Skender Plasari, Tirana stage actor, librettist and screenwriter of the film!


Skender Plasari Actor, screenwriter and lecturer. He was born in Tirana on May 13, 1934. He was active early in the Amateur Theater Movement and in the years 1953-1957 he was an actor in the Border Stage, while in the years 1958-1979 he was an actor in the State Stage*, where he played many roles. I started at the State Estrada on May 16, 1958. Spicati te Bembeli, Ta kérrej or masi ta kérrej, acrobatic pantomimes, etc. In 1964 he also worked in the Tirané Circus* as an acrobat. From 1979 onwards, he was, at different times, a teacher of the subjects: "Scenic movement", "Artistic speech" and "Actor's skill". He graduated from the Institute of Physical Culture in 1966. His greatest achievements and help is related to literature as a humorous writer, providing the repertoire of the estrada with over IOO parts of different Ilojes. mainly, skits, dialogues, monologues, etc. In parallel, he has performed 5-6 roles in Albanian films since he was still a teenager, such as in "Debatik" – 1961 in the role of Skender; "Special Task" – 1963; "The first years" – 1965 in the role of an excavator; "Guerrilla unit" – 1969; "When it dawned a day" – 1971 in the role of a member of the unit (joke "gadi pilafi-pilafi gadi"); in the variety show "When the masks come off" – 1975; "Radio station" – 1979. At the same time, he is the author of 6 film scripts, starting with the most successful "Captain" – 1972; In this scenario, in addition to the creation of two original Albanian characters, Sulos and Beqos, as a complementary and contrapuntal duo, as well as the intelligent capture of the comic phenomenon related to men's demeaning and patriarchal attitudes towards women, a form of free view, full of humorous situations, hilarious and pleasant surprises. Continuing with others such as "Odyssey of fans" – 1972; "Looking for the 5 o'clock" – 1974; "War Path" – 1974; "Circus in the village" – 1977 as well as the television "Alo tekniki" – 1982. It was published with a preview on Facebook in May 2018 _______________ Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013 Reference: Encyclopedia of Albanian cinematography – Toena 2002 / A. Hoxha / p. 342; Albanian Encyclopedia, Theater and Cinematography – Toena 2009 / J. Papagjoni / p. 353-354.

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