Skender Sallaku (1935-2014) | Master of Albanian humor!


#KinematografiaShqiptare #SkenderSallaku Skënder Sallaku (1935 – 2014) People's Artist! Great actor of the humor genre, one of the main ones in the organic variety of professional Tirana. He was born on January 25, 1935. One of our best comedians, former national champion in classical wrestling, author of skits and parodies is remembered by all with respect for his brilliant performance in the circus and in variety. His original talent as a comic actor naturally led him to variety theater and in 1953, while he was a soldier, he became active in the Estrade group of the border. Appreciated for his talents, he was drawn as a professional actor in the Tirana Stage in 1956, and as the first acrobatic clown in Albania, in the circus troupe within this stage. In 1957, he finished his studies at the Higher Institute of Physical Education "Vojo Kushi" in Tirana and later completed the one-year qualification course at the "Beijing Circus". In 1960, there was the first premiere for Skender Sallak with the circus, which was very successful, where it received a great response even in the press. He quickly became very popular and well-known among the spectators, being active in different genres of humor. He married the circus acrobat from Tirana, Vitore Sallakun "Merit Artist". His prominent roles in the premieres will remain unforgettable: "Gas and work, laughter of one", "Introducing Skender Sallaku ", "Team", "Diary of a painter", "Our file" etc. He has played over 1000 roles, of different sizes. It is distinguished in the embroidery of the types of Tirana peasants, apparently somewhat "woolly", "tufty", but in fact wise, witty, who, after being mocked, in the end turn out to have known how to make fun of them the others. The gallery of his pictures is rich. For a while, the perfect role of Abedin Asllanshiku, then Taulla Teleskopi, Janaq Pupulaku, Gagarel, the person with the blue block, the fan, the field engineer, the village postman remained in the public's memory; or that of the statistician who necessarily searches for a malaria patient, that of a departmental employee who will prove that the current "doesn't black out", but that it blacks out for the hell of it; that of a skillful mechanic who puts his boss in the game, that of a bureaucrat who opens and closes files on his desk, who is drowned in work, etc. A summary of some of the most prominent roles of Skender Sallaku were realized in the films "Estrada ne ekran" (1968) and "When the masks are removed" (1975). He has also played several roles from well-known classic comedies, such as Zhurden in Moliere's "Noble Bourgeoisie", Sanco Panco in the adaptation of Cervantes' novel "Don Quixote", as well as in the film comedy "The Last Hunt" (1992) as Muci, " Big appetite" 1996) etc. With the role of the villager in the film comedy "Revolja e humbur" (1995), within his now well-known profile, he gave full of humor the type of a villager from Tirana, a bit strange, with excessive trust in the state security employee to allegedly help him uncover the truth, but who remains in the end beaten by him. In general, Skender Sallaku remains an actor with an expressive facial expression, especially his eyes. He owned a twisted plastic acrobat, rare in its kind; he even played as a circus clown, as a juggler, impersonator, conjurer, illusionist, equilibrist. This wealth of types and subtypes of variety and circus theater presents it in a very special acting dimension. Equally extraordinary for the many skills he possessed. With his characteristic voice, high and thin, also with comic skill and grace, with the ability to be a parodist, especially a high-class pantomimist, with musical talents and those of imitation, he has become one of the most outstanding actresses of Albanian humor. He built creative relationships with other artists, did his best to preserve and enliven the artistic atmosphere, as a condition for mutual success; characterized by spontaneity and quick and prosperous improvisations for the game; he was among the loudest and most imaginative anecdotists, who possessed a humor as sharp and redeemed, as brave, which affected even political circles, but which was consumed in good faith in the friendly circles of artists. He deservedly holds the high title "People's Artist" During his artistic career for half a century, he has been talked about and written about by many people, journalists, authors, writers and colleagues. Humor and circus was his life. Skender Sallaku is the most worthy representative of Albanian comedy. He also took part in the films: 1968 – Estrada ne Ekran; 1975 – When the masks come off; 1977 – Circus in the Village. However, Skender Sallaku still remains today a great artist honored with awards from time to time, "Deserved Artist", "Artist of the People", "Gratitude of the city", "Second class work order". He passed away on February 11, 2014, at the age of 79, after a long illness.

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Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013 Reference: "Skender Sallaku or how we laughed in the dictatorship" / Pellumb Kulla – Arberi 2002 / "After the show" / Miho Gjini – Naim Frasheri 1971 / "On the stage of life" / Vitore Sallaku – Erik 2006 / "a life in the circus" / Vitore Sallaku – Iliar" 2004 Encyclopedia – Albanian Theater and Cinematography / J. Papagjoni – Toena 2009 (p. 410).

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