(VIDEO) 1979! The 18th Song Festival at RTSH!


The 18th Festival at RTSH Opera and Ballet Theatre, TIRANE Presenters: Mimoza Tafaj and Pirro Kita TV/Radio: TVSH / Radio Tirana The 18th Song Festival at RTSH took place on December 26-27-28 of the year 1979 in Tirana. 22 songs take part in this festival: 11 on the first night, 11 on the second night. The winning song was announced as "Festë ka sot Albania" , music by Agim Prodani, lyrics by Zhuliana Jorganxhi, sung by the duet Sina – Kondakçi and Laçi.

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Second prize: "Nentori i lirise", music by Limos Dizdari, lyrics by Koçi Petriti, sung by Lindita Theodhori and Alida Hisku. "My country's party", music by Pjeter Gaci, lyrics by Zhuliana Jorganxhi, sung by Vaçe Zela and Gaqo Cako.

Third prize: "Me and light from your eye", music Agim Krajka, text Arben Duka, sung by Irma Libohova and Luan Zhegu. "Our dance", music by Spartak Tili, lyrics by Foto Malo, sung by Petrit Lulo and Suzana Qatipi. "The partisan brigade is coming", music by Naim Gjoshi, lyrics by Agim Hila, sung by Suzana Qatipi and Emirieta Cela.

______________________________ CONTENTS: (Summary of the three nights of the Festival) 48.42 min | Photo-Audio, of a very good quality (15 songs) ************************************** ****** 1– (Original video) NOVEMBER OF FREEDOM | Alida Hisku Music: Limoz Dizdari Text: Koci Petriti

2 – NOVEMBER OF FREEDOM | Lindita Theodhori Music: Limos Dizdari Lyrics: Koci Petriti

3 – SPRING IN MY CITY | Pellumb Elmazi Music : Hajg Zaharjan Text: Kastriot Mahilaj

4 – THE PARTISAN BRIGADE COMES | Suzana Qatipi Music: Naim Gjoshi Lyrics: Agim Hila

5 – MOTHER'S DAY | Aferdita Laci Music: Agron Djunga Lyrics: Vasil Dede

6 – MOUNTAIN CUCA | Liljana Kondakci Music: Aleksander Lalo Lyrics: Besnik Mustafaj

7 – OUR CHILDREN GO TO THE ARMY | Kujtim Kamberi Music: Ermir Dergjini Text: Pjerin Logoreci

8 – WITH BLOOD YOU WROTE HISTORY | Luan Zhegu Music: Kujtim Laro Text: Popular

9 – TRENDLINES AND SONGS | Ema Qazimi Music: Avni Mula Lyrics: Hysni Milloshi

10 – ME AND THE LIGHT FROM YOUR EYE | IRMA LIBOHOVA Music: Agim Krajka Lyrics: Arben Duka

11 – AMONG WORKERS | Kozma Dushi & Lindita Theodhori Music: Shaqir Kodra Text: Rajmonda Saliu

12- WEDDING FLOWERS | Adriana Ceko & Muharrem Herri Music: Aleksander Peci Text: Bardhyl Londo

13 – IN THOSE FIELDS FULL OF WHEAT | Elida Shehu & Eduard Jubani Music : David Tukici Text: Mustafa Tukaj

14 – ALBANIA HAS HOLIDAYS TODAY | Liljana Kondakci & Zeliha Sina Music: Agim Prodani Text: Zhuljana Jorganxhi

15 – SEC INVITES ME TO THE STAND | Elida Shehu Music: Sabrije Nushi Lyrics: Zaho Puci

16. " OUR DANCE – Petrit Lulo Music: Spartak Tili Lyrics: Photo Malo

_______________________ The songs that are missing in this video and the dubbing singers, as below: 1 – "PARTI E VENDIT TIM" – Vace Zela and repeated by Gaqo Cako 2 – "OUR DANCE" – Suzana Qatipi (completely missing) 3 – "THE BRIGADE IS COMING PARTISANS" – repeated by Emirieta Cela 4 – "GIVE ME AND LIGHT FROM YOUR EYE" – repeated by Luan Zhegu 5 – "OUR BOYS GO TO ARMY" – repeated by Eduard Jubani 7- "SPRING IN MY CITY" – repeated by Irma Libohova 6 – "MOJ E MIRA E NENES" – repeated by Klotilda Daliu 7 – "CUCA MALESORE" – repeated by the Complex "We join folk songs" 8 – "TRENDELINE AND SONGS – repeated by Avni Mula 9 – "MES PUNETOREVE" – repeated by Eglantina duet Zagora-Pellumb Elmazi 10 – "THE FLOWERS OF BASMA" – repeated duet Arta Babaramo-Tonin Tershana 11 – "IN THOSE FIELDS FULL OF WHEAT" – repeated Zina Zdrava-Agim Duro 12 – "ALBANIA HAS A PARTY TODAY" – repeated Zeliha Sina and two other singers 13 – "SEC INVITES ME TO THE STAND" – repeated by Rakipe Karaj 14. LET'S MARCH ON THE FIVE YEARS – (M: Gazmend Mullahi -T: Vullnet Mato) duet Kastriot Ago-Petrika Rrembeci and duet Kozma Dushi-Bahri The rust. 15. THE LITTLE PARTISAN (M: Tasim Hoshafi – T: Koçi Petriti) Kastriot Ago and Zina Zdrava. 16 – "SONG FOR HYSNI KAPON" (M: Tish Daija – T: Aleksander Banushi) Vaçe Zela (this song was not repeated) – In the final, another song was sung for Hysni Kapon from Gaqo çako composed by Ferdinand Deda (text?) . 17 – IDEALI UNITE US (M: Lejla Agolli – T: Basri Bushkashi) duet Gjergj Suljoti-Petrika Rrembeci and duet Kastriot Ago-Bahri Rustja. 18. LUM MOJ SHKODRA HEROINE (M: Mark Kaftalli – T: Jonuz Velaj) Violeta Zefi and Bashkim Alibali. 19 – STALIN LIVES AMONG US (M: Avni Mula – T: Pandeli Koçi) Ramiz Kovaçi (not repeated) – the songs that were not repeated were out of the competition, only as a tribute to these figures. 20 – OUR DANCE (M: Spartak Tili – T: Foto Malo) Suzana Qatipi and Petrit Lulo. 21 – THE PARTY OF MY COUNTRY (M: Pjeter Gaci – T: Zhuliana Jorganxhi) Vaçe Zela and Gaqo çako.

Video created by Albanian Cinematography on May 7, 2017 and published on YouTube The exclusivity on this page is dated January 21, 2024

The 18th festival took place from 26 to 28.12.1979. The presenters were Mimoza Tafaj and Pirro Kita. 20 songs participate in the competition: 10 on the first night, 10 on the second night and 15 come out on the final night. Songs about Hysni Kapo (who passed away that year on 23 September) and Stalin (100th anniversary of his birth on 18.12.1978) are out of the competition. Not only did they not repeat like the other songs, but in the final the song for Hysni Kapon is different (composed by Ferdinand Deda and performed by Gaqo Çako). The winning song "Festë ka sot Albania" with music by Agim Prodani, with verses by Zhuliana Jorganxhi, performed by the duets of Zeliha Sina with Liliana Kondakçi (her third victory) and then with Afërdita Laçi and, when she won, sung by her three together. The theme is the same as the festivals of those years. The duet Ceko-Herri with the song "Lulet e dasma" stands out, as well as, as always, Krajka's song "Më e dëlë nga syri yt" stands out for its rhythm and content, which receives third prize. The composer Gazmend Mullahi begins his career at this festival. (According to J. Zamputi in Wikipedia) _____________ Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013

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