(VIDEO) May 1 in Albania | Celebrating 1967 and 1971!


May 1 in Albania Celebrating 1967 and 1971! Documentary of Kinostudio "New Albania" Part 1 | May 1, 1967 Description: The whole country is preparing to celebrate May 1, the day of international workers' solidarity. Newspapers publish the declaration of the Central Committee of the Party and the Council of Ministers on the further development and deepening of the revolutionary movement and the creative initiatives of the masses. May 1 is greeted by Gogo Nushi. The entire Politburo is in the stands. The traditional manifestation opens with the red flags of the revolution, with the flags of war and work, with the portraits of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. Girls with shovels and boys with pickaxes, pioneers with flowers, parade. Enver Hoxha applauds, children give flowers to Enver Hoxha and Mehmet Shehu, etc. The tribune applauds. 283.30 m. They parade new collectives, unknown until today, groups of enterprises, factories, lines and new departments that were established during this year in Tirana. They parade with the map of Albania, cars with stoves and others, then the cable workers. They parade with the portrait of Adem Reke, cars with shoes, they parade with the American Soviet caricature, they parade with banners with newspaper headlines, the Theater with "Cucen e Maleve" parades, the Ballet with flags, rifles, Estrada parades with bands. The guides watch the fireworks. The square is illuminated by fireworks. 246.60 m. Editor: Niko Nikolla Operator: Agim Fortuzi, Dhimiter Lala, Hamdi Ferhati, Ilia Terpini, Pashko Como, Sokrat Musha Collaborators: Koço Tollko Director: Vitori Çeli Screenplay:Music: Donika Muçi, wording Producer: Kinostudio Shqiperia e re Year: 1967 Duration : 19 min. __________________________________________________ Part 2 | May 1, 1971 Description: The streets of Tirana. Skanderbeg square and monument. Manifestation. Enver Hoxha, Mehmet Shehu, Haxhi Lleshi, Hysni Kapo, Beqir Balluku, Myslym Peza, Haki Toska, Spiro Koleka, Rita Marko, Manush Myftiu, Ramiz Alia, Adil Carcani, Koco Theodhosi, Abdyl Kellezi, Xhaferr Spahiu, Piro appeared in the stands. Dodbiba, Nexhmije Hoxha, Fiqerete Shehu, N. Nase, Sul Baholli, Sadik Bekteshi, Vito Kapo, Jorgji Pecini, etc. Hello Rita Marko. Mass parade. Groups of people with flags pass by. The portraits of the classics appear. Portraits of Enver Hoxhe and Mao Zedong, portraits of ALP leaders. The people parade. Enver Hoxha salutes with his fist. The parade continues. Enver Hoxha applauds, greets a child. The pioneers go up to the stands and give baskets of flowers to the leaders. Pioneers parade. The artists parade and dance. University girls and boys dressed in military clothes pass by. Airplane in flight. They pass the gymnasts performing different exercises. The demonstration ends. Enver Hoxha meets with the foreign delegations who are in the side stands. Editor: Kujtim Gjonaj Operator : Dhimiter Lala Contributors: Marianthi Xhako Notes: The celebrations of May 1, 1971, in Tirana. Director: – Screenplay: – Music: Donika Muci, wording Producer: Kinostudio "Alshqiperia e re" Year : 1971 Duration : 17 min Info according to: AQSHF ______________ Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013

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