In memory of the iconographer Josif Drobonik (1952-2020)!


Josif Droboniku (1952-2020) Painter and director of the animated film at Kinostudio "Alhqiperia e re". Then a prominent painter, mosaicist with a future. He is the author of the large Tirana mosaic on the facade of the National Historical Museum. He was born on December 21, 1952. After finishing his studies at the High Institute of Arts in the 1970s for painting, he started working as a painter in the cartoons department near Kinostudio "Alhqiperia e re". In 1982, he made his first film "The Boy of Freedom". Until 1984, he made other films, among which we can mention "Harvest Day" – 1984 / "Principle of the Arber" – 1994. He worked in parallel for emblems, film posters, organizing exhibitions and film festivals. He is the author of the entrance signal of the Albanian film "Albafilm" and presents many other works as a Kinostudio painter. Before the 90s, he stood out not only as an up-and-coming mosaicist painter, but especially in his easel painting of near-monumental proportions, mostly on canvas. Mention here the "Assembly of Lezhë", with the figure of Skënderbeu in the center and many other works, realized in this period, such as the mosaic "Towards life", in the Higher Agricultural Institute, Tirana (1983); mural painting in the Historical Museum, Lushnjë (1987), mural painting in the "Korabi" hotel, in the city of Peshkopia (1988), etc. His long-standing predilection has been the figure applied to large wall surfaces. He had found himself in this language and with this genus (mosaic) he defended his diploma in 1977. His strong case was the large mosaic of Tirana on the facade of the National Historical Museum. He remains a multidimensional artist, who will certainly take his deserved place in the history of Albanian painting of the XX-XXI century. In the variety of topics and techniques that he treated, a special place has been occupied by historical and religious – iconographic themes. With his dense and beautiful work, he glorified God and his nation. As a rare mosaicist, he made the impossible possible with this technique, both ancient and contemporary, thus leaving an indelible mark of rare eloquence and beauty of human figuration. Died on February 12, 2020 _________ Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013 Reference: Encyclopedia of Albanian Cinematography – Toena 2002 / AT Hoxha / p. 100 as well as a selection of online information. Photos are "google credit".

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