Theater Script | “Perkolgjinajt” (Act 3)


The script of the drama “Perkulgjinajt” Act 3 and the last. Link for Acts 1 and 2:


It’s the same scene. It seems that the house is a mess. This gives the appearance of a concern that the Perkolgins have in their home. Enter Mara with rosary in hand. She looks confused. He walks around the room and talks to himself as usual.

MARA – What happens to us, oh god? Did you really set our end? The end of the ancient Perkolginai? No, oh god, don’t do such a thing! May we Iutjet always send them pure there to the glorious tand sky! We left your way recently, but it was still not our fault! Save us, then, from the gun and from shame. I know it’s hard for you too. If you protect us from the rifle, you cannot protect us from shame. Perkolginaj got you into trouble too. (Inside, the brides make noises. Making noises, they go on stage. Dila calls out to Meria.)

DILA – You, my, you were all to blame. You wanted to become sister-in-law with Margjela. Here’s what you did for us. I took the face of the house, even a point! 

BARDHA- My, why do you call the bride like that? They had known each other for a long time.

DILA – This has confused the lamsha. She said with her mouth that it helped her.

MÚRIA — Yes, I helped them!

DILA – Hey, do you hear that? I like you too, god. What if, my black, the rifle enters the men.

BARDHA – Don’t be afraid, no matter what happens, you will never find your husband.

DILA – I have my son, my, there, I have the light of my eyes

MARA – Aman, leave the commotion, because something is happening to us

BARDHA – Nothing bad is going to happen, don’t be afraid.

DILA – Look, my mother, they don’t split their heads at all.

MARA – Bye. I have plenty of these that happened! Tell me, did anyone play?

DMA – Nothing so far. 

MARA – Apparently, something big has happened to this house. Woe to us what our ears will hear.

BARDHA – The bad news comes immediately to your door, O nanël

MARA – As if I see the tower that WILL be destroyed.

DILA – Here, these will be destroy it. Before they run away, they have to put the pickaxe on them, so that we don’t have to mess with them either. But we will enjoy it, because it is ours. It belongs to Gion, as the eldest son. And when they parted, let them part when they want and leave us comfortably. The Perkolgins have been divided several times. (Bird enters breathless.)

ZOGA – They are coming!

DILA – Where are they going?

ZOGA – Goat Path.

MARA – Who were they?

ZOGA – They are in a flock.

MARA – Did they have anyone killed with them?

ZOGA – I didn’t want vig. I saw father Leka, uncle Gjon, grandfather and others coming after you. Prena Loku also met them on the field path. Now they are coming together towards the tower.

MARA – Show me the dead, my daughter, for the living I know they come with their legs.

ZOGA – I told you, my great-grandmother, I didn’t want you to die. So, who lets you laugh today Dushke^

MARA – And who stopped Perkolgjinaj, my daughter? Only god.

ZOGA – The power stops. . j. . –

MARA – Rest, poor soul, don’t make us mourn. (Dila leaves.)

MÚRIA — Luka is coming! (Luke enters with a Mauser in one hand and a dead bird in the other.)

BARDHA – Huh, my Luke?

LUKE – What?

BORA — What happened?

LUKA — Nothing, my. We went and came in vain.

BORA — How, you, in vain?

LUKA — That’s right. Otherwise, we would have the net with us and catch fish.

MARA — What a fish, desert mor. Why don’t you tell us what happened?

LUKA — No one, my mother!

MARA — Why don’t you tell us who was killed.

LUKA — No one was killed. Only I killed this brat in the lake.

MÚRIA – Wait, mother, because I will ask. Were you there, Luke?

LUKE – Eh!

MĂRIA — Shti against Zefi and Margjela?

LUKE – No!

MÚRIA — But why?

LUKA — Why don’t we meet them. Then even father Lekë didn’t leave us.

MĂRIA – Where do you live Leka?

LUKA — Without going out to the Field of Shtogu. They came by motorbike across the lake. The engine had two large lights in front. How fast it was going. I have seen it another time, but during the day. At night it was a great beauty. Here, light filled the lake.

MERIA — Good, good; it does not enter our work. So, Marjela and Zefi ran away.

LUKA – He’s gone, what’s wrong with him! I know that driver. He gives the machine that makes it fly.

MARA – Praise be to you, oh god! Here’s how you solved it more correctly and better than we thought.

BARDHA – Did Leka talk to father and John?

LUKA – He spoke rudely. Do you know that father Leka was fine? And why did they kill Zefi and Margjela? They loved each other and ran away. Let Preng Lok’s son take another; for example, the Bird.

ZOGA — March the evil! BARDHA – Okay, tell us what Santa did when Leka spoke to him. LUKA — Grandpa sat on a match and hit his head with his fists. Then his eyes watered. Yes, yes, cry! MÚRIA – But why was he crying? LUKA — What a question! He cried because he saw the mistake he had to live with. Are the people of the house killed? (Enter Col.) GRACE – Huh, Col? COLI — The evil curse. The brigadier took me to tell you to prepare the room, because the men are coming. (The women start tidying the room.) MARA — What does the old man look like? COLI — It’s not so good, mother! MARA — Did Leka talk to you? COLI – Not so much, grandma. MARA – Did they break up with Leka? COLI — Something to spoil. That’s where they came and they will speak for themselves. (The old man enters first. He looks very upset. After him come Prenga and Gjoni. Then, one by one, Leka, Pjetri, Doda, Martini enter. The women have left. Only Mara remains. The old man takes a seat at the head, on the bench with a wooden back. The others are occupying seats in the boxes, benches, wherever they can.) LEKA – (To the young people) Tell all the people of the house to come here. (One of the young men comes out and announces. The women and children come. They stand.) What do you think, father? Perkolginaj are waiting. Will you speak to them? OLD MAN — (After a pause) Yes! First, you have to settle the job with this friend! PRENGA — How do you think you will solve it, Gjin Kola? OLD MAN — My old woman, bring me that little box. (Mara brings him a small tray. The old man opens it with his head, takes a sum of money from it and throws it to Prenga.) Here are your money! PRENGA – What about the bride? LEKA — The bride was taken by the master. PRENGA – My son is good, he has money. COM — The master was the one who stole her heart. PRENGA – I’m not talking to the reeds, me. Speak, Gjin Kola, why are you silent? Where is the word given, where is the habit? So, if you are not sorry to eat the word they gave, keep the shame behind. I did not raise such a boy to return the ring to me today. LEKA – Not even we have raised such a sister to sell in the bazaar. PRENGA — More, who is speaking here? — Perkolgiinaj speak. PRENGA – The Perkolginians have a god. This tower has a first. THE OLD MAN — (Stands up.) No! The people of Perkolgin have nothing more! (Sits down.) GIONI — Don’t, father, don’t talk like that! OLD MAN — I don’t rule anymore in this house. Where the habit and the wickedness of the ancestors have died, there is nothing for even the master of the house to do. PRENGA — So, they don’t have them. o Giin Kola, these vials of this age and this throne holds it. You have the power to summarize it to the people of the house. Why did you go back to shaving? Why didn’t you wash your daughter’s hair like Perkolaiinai’s shade. Without even going to the rope. You would go proud, just as your ancestors have always gone. Don’t fall so low, Giin Kola! It took some time for you to honor the end of the tan. OLD MAN — Last night was the end for me. Gjin Kola died that night. GION — Amman. dad! MARA — Oh God! (The women burst into tears.) THE OLD MAN — Yes, cry forever! JOHN – Don’t, dad! OLD MAN – Cry because they forced him. LEKA – Who forced you, father; do we have to? OLD MAN – (He looks at Leka with pain and love.) No, son. The kohns that came forced me. They beat me! PRENGA – Well, husbands don’t do that, Gjin. GENDER – How do you ban? PRENGA – Give the order. The girl is always in Burrel. LEKA — Do you know what you do, Prenga? PRENA – What? LEKA — Do you better leave here before it’s too late? They made us lose our temper. Fire needs water to extinguish, not gasoline. PRENGA — Are you telling me off? LEKA — You are forcing me. PRENGA — And you have eyes and cheek to put this in front of you? LEKA — With all the respect I have for you and your house. PRENGA — Why do you then leave me in charge of the country? And what does a dead person need? LEKA — How many times are you insulting us, Preng Loku! (To the youth) Come on guys! YOUNG – Command! LEKA — Prengë Loku tells us that we do not honor the father. COLI — It’s not true. PJETRI — Let Prengë Loku take that word with him. DODA — Bile, let him leave our house as much as Dara! LEKA — (To the hostages) We do not honor bad habits, O Prenaë. Margjela and Zefi fell in love and ran away. And why should we kill them? She knew she was engaged to your son. They had betrothed her since she was little, against her will. She left Zefi dead. This is the word of the Perkolginians, O Prengë. You have no other word from us. PRENGA — Thank you for treating me very well today. (Gets up.) Farewell, Gjin Kola. Why are you going to destroy ^Leka’s habits, don’t forget that I will also destroy them. You should know that I am looking for a daughter in this house. he throws the money in the middle of the room and leaves. A wind blows from the window and blows the money away.) LEKA – Then, cut yourself in the neck. I remembered that you would be wiser. OLD MAN – Gone! JOHN — Yes, father, he went. OLD MAN — And the villages, one by one, we will find out. LEKA – We have our work, father. OLD MAN — How heavy is the burden that time has put on my back! MARA – Let’s keep it, old man, for God’s sake! OLD MAN — How difficult this path of mine is always! LEKA — (Approaches him and speaks kindly to him.) Summarize yourself, father! JOHN — Don’t be angry with us, father. We here are all your blood, Perkolginajt. THE OLD MAN — (He looks at everyone with love.) Here is honor and custom on this side, here are the people, my lovers on this other side. In the middle stands this heart of mine. (Pause) Don’t you see, my sons, that we have reached a great gap. I can’t get over it. You are young, strong. So, cross the gap – you’ll make it. I… will stand here as the last great-grandson of the ancient Perkolgins! (Gets up from the throne.) LEKA — Where do you want me to go? father? OLD MAN — What else do you want from me? LEKA — We don’t ask for anything else from you, father. OLD MAN – Yes, yes, you ask us to separate. This tower had been shaking from earthquakes for some time. Marjela gave him a push and is rolling him down. JOHN – Don’t give it to God! OLD MAN — The first stork flew at night from the tower. MARTINI – The second one is also ready for flight, father. OLD MAN – I know. JOHN – Martin! OLD MAN – Let them fly. But they fly during the day and not at night. JOHN – Aman, father, it’s okay, let’s keep the tower on its feet. Why should we renew to ourselves an even bigger glass after the one that looked like it? This place where I live during the weather has never been shared by less than fifty people. Today we are not even twenty and we are all one belly. OLD MAN — Today this tower does not separate the cows from the goats, but it topples and falls just like I fell, the last one in the house. After this division, the tower will not need to be divided anymore. They will all run away from it by themselves as long as their arms grow out. This is the last division. (Shocked.) JOHN – Father! THE OLD MAN — And this very difficult division fell to this group of heads, which is still called Gjin Kola of Perkolginajve! (Sits on the stool.) LEKA — you are very shocked, father. OLD MAN – Come closer, Leka. LEKA – (Gets closer to his knee.) Speak, father! OLD MAN – (Strokes his hair.) Don’t judge us harshly, son! LEKA — What is that word, father! OLD MAN — We ran out of time. She moved very fast, especially in recent years. LEKA – This is true, father. OLD MAN — I think it’s time for you to part, son! It doesn’t go like this anymore! JOHN — Don’t say that word, Dad. Look how beautiful you look at the top of the country. So there is always a shadow on the tower. Last night Pjetri sang us the song of the ancient Prenga Kola Gjini. Since then, generation after generation we came here. LEKA — And generation after generation we will go forward, if need be even with a sword, like Prengë Kolë Gjini once upon a time. JOHN — Why should we part then? LEKA — We do not seek to separate, brother, but to be reconciled. We don’t want to do worse, but better. We don’t want to destroy the tower, but to fix it. JOHN — And what other fix here? LEKA — Yes, even the tower moved forward today. It seeks to adapt to the times. You and father went out to take a nap last night. And why was it not reported to us? Why did you sneak up on us? Were we not also the people of this house? You hid from us that you have lost faith in the young Perkolgjini. to your children. Speak, father, or am I wrong? OLD MAN – No, son, you are not wrong. I see that the right is always with you!

The end of the first picture


And that scene after two weeks. Ast morning. White pulls loot from a crate. Zoga stands next to her. She is wearing a dress with sides, but she has the country’s socks and opings.

ZOGA — Did you, mother, read Margjela’s letter?

BORA — I read it.

ZOGA – How fondly he had written it! My eyes filled with tears when I read it. At the end, he told me, that we will arrange the house, I will take you and pick you up for some time. I’m going to school now, but during the holidays, will you let me go?

BARDHA — We have time until the holidays.

ZOGA – Even Zefi begged me to go.

BARDHA – (Takes out a box.) Here are your shoes and socks. Go put it on. (The bird comes out. Bardha continues to check the cash register. Dila approaches her. She looks dead in her soul.)

DILA – So, today you are also going!

BORA – Yes, come out.

DILA — How bad

BARDHA — Do you say it with all your heart?

DILA – Maybe the only time I’m saying it with all my heart!

BARDHA — Then, I’m also sorry to leave.

DILA — Even from me?

BARDHA — Even from you.

DILA – How good you are, White! How good you were and I didn’t want to know you! I have always wanted you to run away; and I have the whole tower with my children. I wanted us to take the biggest share of you and leave you as little as possible. But you never got off the tower. He left everything to us, even the money we saved. You don’t have to forgive me.

BARDHA – It’s okay, O Dila, it’s enough that we’re parting as sisters now.

DILA – This is why parting is so hard for me.

BARDHA — Take care of me Luke.

DILA — Now my son was taken. I swapped it with Nana’s Colin. (Ofshan.) Eh, how were these works done!

BARDHA — For Colin, put your mind to rest. He is his own master. But Luke needs_ care. It does not leave the ground, not the house. He was born a farmer. Dll A – Here Dra, we also separated the children!

BARDHA – Kio means we need. Mandei, as if we are going to lose forever. We will come, you will come to us.

MARA — (Enters with bridge in hand.) Give us strength to endure this too, oh god, because that’s what you ordered.

BARDHA — Don’t act like that, mother!

MARA — (Sits on a bench.) It was not good to shave even that much!

DILA — Do not commit sin!

MARA — Don’t tell me, where do I have Margjela? Gone with Zefi,

BARDHA — Here. they sent us a letter. They are like apples.

MARA — Where do I have Martin with his bride? Gone? They left too!

BARDHA — They didn’t die, they ran away, mother. You will see them again.

MARA — They went and wounded this heart. Now I am also missing Leka, the pillar of the house, the star of the house, the tower of the Perkolgiinai! Nana does not raise a boy like Leka! The bride, Pjetri, Coli, Doda, Zoga and little Gjini will run away with him! Where are the brides, who would watch your nana work like a butterfly in the tower? Where are the cradles that nana would rock. Where are the little ones, who would ride my kaliboç. Where there is noise and children’s screams, there is life. Where the tower boils like a beehive from brides, from cradles and from work, there the old woman lives more and dies full of heart!

BARDHA — Hold on, mother. We will always have you again. You will have your home anywhere!

MARA — How I tried to keep this house a co¬pet! But it was broken into pieces! (Zoga comes. He’s wearing new shoes and socks.)

ZOGA — Baba Lekë got the car (Mara gets up and leaves. Bardha and Dila also come out. Leka and the old man enter.)

OLD MAN — So, you’re going.

LEKA — Yes, father.

OLD MAN — Okay, son, go. Let luck guide you in life.

LEKA — Will you accompany us?

OLD MAN – No, I’ll watch you from the window. I will see how the old man’s heart is scattered and flees through the world.

LEKA – The people of Perkolgin have never bowed down, father.

OLD MAN — No, no, I won’t bow either. I will stay strong. Although, no one understands this ending better than I do. (Cjoni enters, approaches Leka and speaks to him with pain and love.)

JOHN — Did the car come?

LEKA — Come, John.

^ONI — So, you decided to go too.

LEKA — That’s how the circumstances brought him.

JOHN — Do you say it’s useless for me to beg you for the last time?

LEKA — Why should you beg me, John?

JOHN — We will work and do whatever you tell us, just don’t get separated. I’m sorry, Lekë, but I speak like this out of spite. With the departure of Martin, as when the tower became deaf. Guess what the country will look like when you and your people leave too.

OLD MAN – John!

JOHN — Yes, father, I’m silent. Well, my heart won’t let me… (Takes out a bunch of money from his pocket.)

LEKA – What are these?

JOHN – That’s the power of your arms, Lekë, I don’t want to keep them for myself.

LEKA – No, John, I left them to you once.

OLD MAN — John!

JOHN — Order, father!

OLD MAN — Don’t upset Leka. He is from Perkolgjinaj. And Perkolginaj have always been like that, either with the people of the house or with the world. (Bardha comes with little Gjin and Zoga. He goes and takes the old man’s hand and hugs him. So does Zoga. The old man takes the little child in his hand.) Eheee! Little Gjin Kola of Perkolginaj. Where are you going, grandfather, to the mine? Go, go, because this old Gjin Kola will stay here. I have no legs to take back. You from the mine who knows where you will fly. It’s time for you to leave, but I broke my legs! (The boys come and the old man prays with everyone.)

GERGJI — (Takes Prenda by the hand.) Lala Lekë, we want to come with you, to the mine. Accept us in your brigade, because we are also Perkolgjinaj.

LEKA — No, lala, you will stay here. The village needs you.

GEORGE — Yes, there is no school here, only four classes.

LEKA — Lala will take care of your school. But one day you still have to return here to the lands of the ancient Per¬colgins. You will change the village. Here, see how the tower changed. That’s how we talked and that’s what we did. And we did it just for you. (Now everyone is standing and waiting for the old man’s words.)

JOHN – Father, they are waiting for you.

OLD MAN – Yes! (As if suddenly awakened. Stands up.) Huh, my people, are you going?

LEKA – Yes, father, we are going. ,

OLD MAN – Well, my sons, go! I can’t stop your way. May you be free and blessed!

YOUNG – Thank you, dad!

LEKA – Perkolgjinaj Brigade!

YOUNG – Ready, Brigadier!

LEKA – So, the time has come to say goodbye to this tower. (Leka comes out with his men. Gjoni, Mara, Dila and little Prenda come out to escort them, the old man stays alone. He is shocked and surprised. Little Gjergji sneaks in and tries to turn on the radio. Meanwhile, the old man he approaches the window and looks.)

THE OLD MAN – This is where they pass, from this ancient tower. This was the last goal! (Gergji has turned on the radio. A mountain theme is heard. The child approaches the grandfather.) Gjergji – How beautiful! (The old man remains confused and pats his nephew’s head. The curtain closes slowly.)

End of the drama

Here is the link for acts 1 and 2


Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013.

Works of playwright Kole Jakova, personal library.

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