August 21, 1944 | The five heart lions of Vig!


August 21, 1944: it is a historical event, a glorious page, on the one hand, it is a symbol and an incomparable example of Albanian bravery in the defense of the homeland, while on the other hand, it is the shame and the cursed seal of betrayal of the collaborators and mercenaries the country that follows them from generation to generation. On August 21, 1944, the People's Heroes Ndoc Deda, Ndoc Mazi, Naim Gjylbegu, Hidajet Lezha, and Ahmet Haxhia were martyred in Vig te Mirdita in a well erected against hundreds of mercenaries of German Nazism. The writing below is specifically dedicated to the five Zemerluan boys who were killed in betrayal and infidelity, five boys regardless of their political beliefs. Dedicated to 5 Albanian heroes, too young to die, who were killed in an ambush and in infidelity by Gjon Markagjoni's men, a Nazi-fascist collaborators group, on August 21-1944. * * * "The heroes of the homeland are the pigment of the color of the flag, the core of Albanianism, the vital juice of the nation, the joy of hearts fed with love and the flame of national brotherhood. Extremely alive even after death, they continue to act for the benefit of the homeland" – PRELE MILANI Naim Gjylbegu – "Besniku", Ahmet Haxhia – "Tigri", Ndoc Mazi – "Minuku", Ndoc Deda – "Teli", Hydajet Lezha – " Hida! Ahmet Haxhia, Ndoc Mazi and Naim Gjylbegu were from the city of Shkodra and all three were friends since childhood. The three young men from Shkodra had previously been arrested and convicted several times for communist political beliefs. Hydajet Lezha was from Lezha and Ndoc Deda was from Miloti. The two joined three boys from Shkodra to carry out the mission. The five of them had started their mission in Mirdita a few months ago, to spread communist ideas and join the resistance that the communists were doing to the German invaders. "Ushton Vigu stone and tile,/ The brave are not bound for life,/ Ndoci is not bound with all his friends,/ For blood not to go to the ground,/ For not dying, for not ending…..,/ – KOLE JAKOVA Listen to the song of 5 heroes sung by Shyqyri Alushi and accompanied by fragments from the movie "Red Faith". Play the video below: This is what happens in every country in the world, when the most significant historical events are turned into films. This is what happened with Kinostudio "Alhqiperia e Re" which produced two films, "Ceta e vogel" and "Besa e korze", in honor of the 5 heroes, 5 daughters of the Albanian people, and many other films in honor of the National Civil War. against Nazi-fascism and its collaborators. Aligning with the Allies in World War II gave Albania a place of honor and I favor our country in the big European family, regardless of the fact that Enver Hoxhe's government put it in a different direction. But, let's go back to the event of August 21, 1944. Since this event is still surrounded by mystery today, we will start in the form of a questionnaire to shed as little light as possible on this murder of five times that yesterday's historiography and today's story is told in two versions (at least), and however, there are still deficiencies and doubts. Today, no one takes the trouble to really clarify this case, to do a serious investigation by stripping it of the propaganda of the time system on the one hand, and on the other hand, also from the denigration and disregard to the point of absurdity of the values of LANÇ , to today's arrogance of the right (they said) and the disregard of citizen opinion. Of course, the mystery does not lie in the murder in Vig, nor in the date. The 5 partisans who had laid down their arms for an ideal of the Motherland, stood in the well and fought heroically against the collaborators of the fascist occupier, raising the fighting morale of the people of Mirdita, Shkodra and even the whole of Albania. The mystery lies here after these questions: 1-Why is there still no clear official version of the real motive of this event? 2 – Why did Shkodra Prefecture notify the Ministry of the Interior two days late of a 5-fold murder? 3 – How is it possible that the ministry handled the five-fold murder, committed for political motives? 4 – Why, even though the people who did the ambush learned who the victims were, the Prefecture of Shkodra and the Ministry of the Interior had not identified them even two days after the murder? 5 – Was the motive for this murder due to the fact that the communists were aiming to have influence in Mirdita, the province which Captain Markagjoni led? 6 – Why have right-wing historians presented the murder of five communist partisans as murders to oppose communist ideas, so that communism would not triumph in Albania? 7 – Why does a part of right-wing historians present this ordinary murder, and even for banal motives? 8 – Why did the communist historiography present this event as a clash between the communists and the shepherds of the area to support or not the German invaders? 9 – Why did communist historiography itself give the number of people who surrounded the five at first 60, then 200 and then 300 people? Politicians are silent before these questions. Even the pseudo-historians of the Ballisto-Zogist clan are silent. They weave theses, fabricated events to justify the collaborators, while the political class is interested in votes in exchange for the distortion of history. Event: A small partisan unit consisting of Naim Gjylbegu, Ahmet Haxhia, Ndoc Mazi, Ndoc Deda and Hydajet Lezha, operated in Mirdita and Malesia e Lezha. The district of the Party of Shkodra and the command of the partisan battalion "Perlat Rexhepi" charged this group to work with the people of this province, to spread communist ideas and to convince the inhabitants to fight the invaders. With death in sight at every step, the brave unit traveled more by night than by day in the wild mountains of Mirdita. They went from house to house for this political action, in a province that actually, unlike others, had not supported communist ideas. Not only did the elders of the area, the Markagjons, not like this, but they organized an ambush against the young people. On the morning of Monday, August 21, about 60 people, mainly the forces of the Markagjoni family and the gendarmes led by the mayor of the municipality of Kashnjet, were ambushed by surrounding them in a valley, asking them to leave the area where they had while they lived. All five objected, convinced that their mission to raise the people to war and spread communist ideas was right. This led to retorts and fierce debates that accompanied the start of the battle. It's not often that a group of people, sure to be killed, write a letter moments before a bullet passes through them. Thus happened in the most critical situation, they wrote it, which, although with communist content and ideas, is unique for the time, manner and articulation. The letter starts with the slogan "Death to Fascism, Freedom to the People" and was addressed to the communist leaders. "I love you friends. We are surrounded and expect that at any minute the bullets of the traitors will pass through us, but we have decided that it is better to give my life as I am, than to betray the war that we have started, because we once said, death is freedom. So, comrades, you will follow the work to the place that we have left with indomitable courage. Comrades, we from the mountains of Mirdita… We salute you with a shout of death to fascism, freedom of the people! Death to the barbarian occupier who dishonored our country. Death to the traitors Gjon Marka Gjoni, Kol Bibë Miraka, Mustafa Kruja, etc. Long live the Albanian Communist Party. Long live the First Anti-Fascist Council, long live the Albanian communist youth that is providing heroes for the liberation of the country from traitors and the occupier. Long live the volunteer partisan army N.Ç.L.SH. Congratulations to all five friends: Teli, Besniku, Minuku, Tigri and Hida Vig. on 21.8.1944" After about 8 hours of talks, negotiations, debates and clashes with weapons, all five communists were killed, while there were no victims among the people who set up the ambush. This is also due to the favorable terrain. The division of opinion continued even after the murder. The state officials of that time treated it as a reaction of the residents of the area to oppose communism. A nation that does not know its yesterday is infantile, therefore it cannot know neither today nor the wretched tomorrow that awaits it. History cannot be written according to the whim of every political charlatan who gets a chance to ride in the chariot of power. Black, ugly, macabre was their murder, like the very color of fascist shirts and the insolence of collaborationism. The scribbler of history Uran Butka, saying that "they did not fight against the invaders and therefore cannot be honored as martyrs… they are victims of the civil war", unwittingly reasoning like this, expose even more naked their collaborationist killers, ballistics and birds, whatever they were. No, Mr. Butka, enough with your well-intentioned theses, he writes books and makes fruitless debates, divisive on every TV panel, to cover up the bloody crimes of a party that the right-wing politics (they say) uses to get votes. and doing a great damage to the history of Albania, in the rehabilitation of collaborationist figures. They, 5 hearts in the flower of youth, had not gone to fight in Mirdite with the Albanians, but to unite them in the war against Nazi-fascism. This was also the goal of the international allies, all united in a front against the great Hitlerian danger, regardless of political colors and beliefs. All 5 heroes were true idealists, peace-loving and patriotic. Well, there are no more sublime sacrifices in life than when a person is sacrificed as an angel in the name of the Motherland. How long must we allow the excrement of this people to defile the intangible symbols of national pride. The five heroes of Vig have nothing to do with the system that was installed in Albania after the Second World War. They gave their lives for the most precious ideal of a nation, like thousands of others of their contemporaries who contributed and joined us in the greatest alliance of humanity against Nazi-fascism. The right-wing forces in Albania, if they claim to be truly democratic, must take a firm stand against the collaborationist phenomenon and free themselves an hour ago from neo-fascist reminiscences and anti-communist political tricks that manifest emotionally from time to time in relation to the rehabilitation of collaborationist elements. The Five Heroes of Vig were five special stars, five unfading stars, who, with their light, give a new shine to Albanian heroism, not only on the eve of the dawn of freedom, but throughout the history of the Albanian nation ____________ Published for the first time on the page "Albanian cinematography" on Facebook on September 9, 2019 and revised in the following years. The following link: The information was selected and adapted for the page by: 1 – writings in Roland Qafoku's book: "The most sensational murders" / 2- by Prele Milani, a journalist with a degree in History-Geography and Chief Editor of the newspaper "Dugagjini" / 3 – Prenge C. Lleshi "Odyssey of the 5 heroes of Vigu".

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