Bik Pepa, the "father" of the comedy "The Happy Couple" sentenced to oblivion forever!


Yes and very accurate! Bik Pepa is the "father" of the brilliant comedy "The Happy Couple" whose name was never mentioned, the fact that he doesn't even play ball. PROLOGUE! It was written by the late Bik, throwing all his mastery skills as it came out, a brilliant comedy that is still the most followed today, which he staged for the first time in the form of a sketch, a short comedy at the Estrade Theater Shkodër, and then Kinostudio "New Albania" turned it into a film by appointing one of the servants of the nomenclature, friend Piro Milkani, who was employed in the public property of the Albanian state, Kinostudio "New Albania" to serve as the director at that time. people and contributed to the enrichment of culture and performing arts. With the change of systems and the arrival (or rebirth) of the "Ottoman-cracy", that's all it took for these unscrupulous people. Thus, ΑΠΟΠΛΗΞΙΑ Piro had no reason to erase the name of the creator and even to use the public rights of Kinostudio "New Albania" and to abuse the position of the former director in this Institution even now after his retirement, even passing on his craft of the servile manipulator (as his superiors had taught him) of the son, a completely pseudo director of the "Laknas" school, Eno Milkani, who considers his father's work at Kinostudio as the right of the Milkani family and traffics in Albanian films via "Bunker" production! Oh what irony, "Bunker"! "Let's make our father like you" once said our honorable people who today have turned into a crowd that watches how their wealth is stolen and exploited and even the crowd is divided by becoming part of the low class game ruling politician Berisha-Rama, the donkeys of Babatas, as Gjergj Fishta would say. ________________________________ Bik Pepa was a master of satire, comedian and brilliant actor. His name and work have been left in silence for a long time, it has been forgotten and memory has been erased. This is painful and sad. In this regard, history has known many types of punishments and many artists have been sentenced by shooting, hanging on a rope, imprisonment, burning in a grapevine, banishment from cities and states, like once Ovin from Rome, but the most severe punishment he remains silent, in oblivion that a society uses against an individual. Maybe he is not the most orderly, but he is wild and humane. This type of punishment must be overcome and oblivion must be broken, especially today in democracy. In such cases, strangely, an extreme exclusionary attitude is often maintained for values, through supposedly reasons and motives that today are actually in complete contradiction with every contemporary theoretical judgment of literary science. Values are silenced and denied for the sake of other worthless or anti-value literary products. Well, yesterday we already know what happened to the intellectuals, but today in democracy what prevents art leaders from working and taking from the work and contribution of Bik Pepe? The name of Bik Pepe was deliberately erased from memory yesterday, but why does it continue to remain censored even today, this important name of Shkodran art? Who is the obstacle to the rehabilitation of his work, to restore on the stage of the "Migjeni" Theater pieces and creations from the hand of this master, of this figure who still did not find the right place of honor as an artist even yesterday in the dictatorship and also like this maybe even wilder today in democracy? Because the main institutions of performing arts, such as the National Theater, or the one of the city where Biku was born, the "Migjeni" Theater, did not create and still do not put on the stage today any of his creations, even with a short duration, something from his work? Why are the local television media of Shkodra silent in the foreground? If there were radios too, Bik Pepa was so reprehensible that not even a poem, a satire, should be interpreted on the artistic shows of the radio? On the contrary, we are drowning in Turkish soap operas, material and works by foreign authors, difficult, stilted, and even artistically and morally degenerate shows without level and value, have invaded the scenes everywhere, leaving out the works and Albanian artists of the past under the pretext still of a rotten mind: "communist ideology" that is not valid and should be censored. This was also attempted with the great Miggen of letters, when his bust was shot with a stone, as a "communist poet". It is rightly said that the dictatorship killed, imprisoned and persecuted the best intellectuals of Albania as well as its artists of the level of Bik Pepe, Gjosho Vasise, etc.. Even this theory is misused and abused today. Then what sin did Bik Pepa commit that even in "democracy" for which someone sacrificed a lot, his name, work, contribution should not be mentioned? Who cares about the name of Taurus? Why is this done, leaving in oblivion and erasing from memory those who laid the foundations and contributed to Shkodran and Albanian humor? ________________________ Albanian Cinematography 2013-2021 © Reserved material, first published in August 2019

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