Jorgji Spiru (1927 – 2002) | Commemorative!


Jorgji Spiru or well known as Gaqo Spiru (1927-2002)
Actor of the first generation from the “Aleksander Moisiu” theater, Durres and Albanian Cinematography.

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Spiru was born in Durrës on May 18, 1927. Gaqo was only 8 years old when he lost his father, Jovan, while his mother, Erifili, who sacrificed a lot to raise and educate him, will be by his side. During the war years, he became a member and then one of the main leaders of DEBATIK. From here he joins the ranks of the 23rd Assault Brigade of Partisans, whose formations fought for the liberation of lands in Krujë, Dajt and Shkodër during the World War II in Albania.

With the liberation of the country, he becomes part of the youth who lead courses against illiteracy, while he does not separate himself from reading, studying and acting. Gaqo creates his personality in her of strong character, clear conscience and dedication. Due to his special passion, he became one of the first amateur actors in the theater of Durrës, in the cinema “14 November”. At the same time, he continues his higher studies at the Faculty of History and Geography.

He belongs to the first constellation of actors who founded the professional theater in Durrës. On January 11, 1953, the first comedy “Girl from the village” was staged, while with the establishment of the theater, on February 8, 1964, it was placed on the side of the creators of the professional troupe.

First the theater and then the film will create the strong personality of this actor, whose name will remain in the list of the best Albanian actors. Due to his maturity, direct assistance in the liberation of the country and professional merits, Gaqo Spiru was appointed director of the “Aleksandre Moisiu” theater in 1968. His standing in this difficult post gives a great impetus to the progress of variety and theater. Thanks to his support and encouragement, it became possible to capture the record, prepare within 12-13 days of the premiere.

It is precisely in this period, which coincides with the new influx of artists coming from the High Institute of Arts, that the name of Durres’ theater and variety show comes and becomes more heard. Around this troupe there were names of national levels, while the tours in the Albanian territories in Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro in 1973 expand its fame geographically.



Gaqo Spiru left a strong mark even when he served as head of culture in the executive committee with the encouragement of new talents and the support of artists. Painting, sculpture, pop and theater received full support. A separate experience in his life will be the period of stay as part of the crew of the ship “Durrësi”. This gave him the opportunity to visit many ports around the world, at a time when he made various discoveries to entertain sailors on long voyages.

Thus, thanks also to the special acquaintance he had made with the directors of the cinema studio, he received film cassettes from there, which he showed on the basis of a program inside the ship. This greatly amused the sailors who deeply felt the absence of their family for months on the journey across the Adriatic.

He started appearing in public as an actor at a very young age. Initially in the amateur groups created after the Liberation of the country. It was there that his inclination to become a professional artist appeared. Gaqo Spiru’s artistic life lies between a theater actor and a film actor. Durrës is the city that gave life and glory to its name. Whenever the time comes to look back and measure the path traveled by art in Durrës since the first steps of the rise and consolidation of the professional troupe, the mind and eyes go to the names most loved by all:

Nikolin e Meropi Xhoja, Spiro and Vera Urumi, Todi Thanasi, Teodor Rupi, Vangjel Heba, Gaqo Spiru, Gjergj Vlashi, Lutfi Hoxha…

They are the ones who not only raised the professional troupe, but also performed miracles on the pop and theater stage.

Gaqo’s closest friends were Nikolin Xhoja, Vangjel Heba, Anastas Bojaxhiu (the first professor in Durrës), Marta Burda, Lazer Murati, Kadri Pirro, Todi Thanasi, Milto Profi to continue with the show and the names of Ramazan Njala, Spiro Strati, Aleksandër Pepa, Enver Likmeta…

Dozens of roles played by him in the theater. In many of them in leading roles. The archive of the “Aleksandër Moisiu” theater has dozens of photos in which the artist is captured on stage. His first appearance as a professional actor was in 1953 “Girl from the Village” with the role of Pal. At that time, Spiru was 25 years old.

Jorgji Spiru in the movie “Something happened at the port” – 1980

He had passed test after test with the amateur troupe. One after another come “The Big Wedding”, “The First Downloader”, “Swamp Devils”, “Skapeni`s Tricks”, “Lubov Yarowaya”, “Happiness Seekers”, “The Ivanov Case”, “The Lost Son”, “Zero in Conduct”, “Dangerous Disease”, “The Delegate”, “Foreign Host”, “They Raised War”, “The Last Stand”, “The Iron Rod”, “The Invasion”, “Out it rains”, “Shadows of the night”, “Detours”, “The seagull.

Roles from the most diverse which were played with rare skill. The theater managed to give 5 or 6 premieres a year, while the variety troupe was making a revolution on the other side, placing the city of Durrës at the epicenter of national cultural activities. The topics were varied. Many of them centered on the struggle for liberation. Others civic education, the penetration of new morality, the fight against prejudices, female emancipation, the role of youth, life in the village, the construction of construction sites…

Due to the high culture in interpretation, Gaqo Spiru was chosen to become part of the troops in making several films. Thus, his name stands out in the main roles in some of them, such as in “Our Land” with the figure of Met; “Special duty” with the role of lieutenant colonel; Petro the motorist in “Open Horizons”; the journalist “Why does this drum beat”; the organizer of the group in prison “Guerrilla Units” …

Precisely in this period that starts in 1963 and extends for two decades, he will have the luck to perform alongside the icons of Albanian cinematography, alongside the greatest actors of all time such as: Marie Logoreci, Roza Anagnosti, Sandër Prosi, Ndrek Luca, Pjetër Gjoka, Ilia Shyti, Lazer Filipi, Pandi Raidhi, Dhimitër Orgocka, Robert Ndrenika, Nikolin Xhoja, Sulejman Pitarka, Vangjel Heba.

The actor from Durrës becomes a much-loved figure. Directors and actors saw in Spiru the completely melted character and pure calm in the role. This type of incarnation led him to be entrusted with very special roles, such as in the case of the lieutenant in “Our Land”, the lieutenant colonel in “Special Task” etc.

Colleagues retain extraordinary impressions of him on shooting days. Gaqo had the ability to challenge everything: the difficult role, bad weather, insomnia, fatigue. He never complained. He took the role calmly and willingly, penetrating very quickly into the character of the character. The fact that Spiru started his artistic career in the theater gave him many opportunities to adapt without much difficulty to the role of a film actor. The art of acting on stage was more of a chance and luck for him. This made his name charming and adored by directors and actors. The game alongside Marie Logoreci, who was Lokja in “Our Land”, or alongside Ndrek Luca, Sandër Prosi in “Special Task”, was a separate school for the actor from Durrës. Always energetic, precise, unhinged and exciting, role after role.

Gaqo Spiru passed away on October 22, 2002. Roles in the theater 24:
“THE BIG WEDDING” – 1954…… Rexhep Ceka
“SKAPENI`S TRICK” – 1957….. Argonti
“LJUBOV JAROVAJA” – 1957…. Colonel Melini
“BEHIND THE WALLS” – 1957…. Sotir Shytaj “THE YOUTHS” – 1958….. Bujari (in charge of the village unit)
“SEEKERS OF HAPPINESS” – 1958…… Damian Mikolov
“IVANOV`S CASE ” – 1959….. Mekov
“THE LOST SON” – 1960…… Lambit Medejari
” GRADE “0” IN BEHAVIOR ” – 1960…… Stefan Vardia (principal)
“DANGEROUS DISEASE ” – 1960….. Aliu (principal)
“THE DELEGATE ” – 1961…… Sula (livestock manager)
“FOREIGN OWN ” – 1961….. Lini
“THEY GROW UP IN WAR” – 1962…… Chao Lao Chun (Chinese drama )
“THE LAST STOP” – 1962….. Koh (soldier)
“IRON BARS” – 1962…… Gazmend Pojani
“INVADIMI” – 1963…… Fajunjin Nikolay Sergeyevic`
“IT’S RAINING OUTSIDE” ” – 1964…… Professor
” SHADOWS OF THE NIGHT ” – 1964….. Sotiri
” CROSSROADS” – 1965…… Aliu (brigade commander)
“THE SEAGULL ” – 1965… Shamrajev.

As an actor in films, 7 roles:
“SPECIAL TASK” – 1963…….. Sub-colonel sig.
“OUR LAND” – 1964…… Meti
“OPEN HORIZONS” – 1968….. Motorcyclist (secretary of party)
“WHY IS THIS DRUM BEATING” – 1969….. Journalist
“GUERILA UNIT” – 1969 …..Organizer of the prison group

Published for the first time on Facebook in May 2016 and revised in the following years.


Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013

Reference: “Boulevard Paper” / October 2014.

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