Jolanda Shala (1947-1984) | Commemorative!


Jolanda Shala (Landi) 1947-1984 Professional stage actress from the city of Shkodra. He was born on May 14, 1947 in Shkoder. He finished primary school in "11 Janari" (today "Martin Camaj" school). Then she graduated from the "Shejnaze Juka" high school for teaching. She started working in the Professional Variety Show of the city of Shkodra on April 1, 1968. Although her artistic career was short, she remained a talented actress on the stage of the professional variety show of the "Migjeni" theater. They called him Landi, an abbreviation of the name Jolanda, which had nothing to do with any childhood episode or memory. It was simply a lyrical law that radiated the most beautiful colors of human and humanitarian feeling, because they all converged on the love they had for him; to relatives, friends, well-wishers, work colleagues… as well as the childhood alley, to which he would soon say: Goodbye! The old gate will not open anymore. The knocks would also disappear. The birds would be the only witnesses of her escape. In their flights, now, there would be something of tears, the dreamy sky of the little Land. That's how they called Jolande. That's how the name remained. Landi accompanied Jolanda, not only for 37 years of her life, but even today. A life with more dreams! They bloom in May, wither and dry in November. A slice of the sky filled with sparklers in May. Just as Anni Filipi would be for her husband, Gerard: "But what does a human life represent compared to eternity? The time of a sigh". Just that or more?! Her childhood was like a drop of tears on her wet eyelid, hovering over her fragile cheek. His parents died early. Together with her brothers, they said goodbye to the old house with a cardak and railing there in the "Skenderbeg" neighborhood. They said goodbye to the well with the winch, the plum tree that used to tie the tree, the roses that bloomed along the borders of the house. A sad farewell, through the raindrops offered by the Shkodra autumn, as in the paintings of Vladimir Jani. Landi would fondly remember the thrilling and often melancholic sounds of the Shkodra serenades in front of the courtyards with hermasek and lattice windows, which came from the burning soul of the old violinist, Mr. Gasprit. (Eh, Mr. Gaspri, with the old republic hat that he never took off, with the thin moustache, the satanic face, slightly protruding cheekbones, with the brown suit that showed a jamadan and a cold watch chain, with dreamy eyes… Although he was bent over, his aged fingers moved as if in a dream… That magical world of sounds as if they took away his old age). In that journey, Landi would immortalize in her voice, the sweetness of her mother's voice, Marija, who, sitting on the stairs, walking through the gazebo or leaning against the railings, sang beautifully the Shkodra folk songs, which awakened her longing for sleeping….! He spent many years in the Orphanage. He completed the 7-year school in "11 Janari" (today "Martin Camaj" school). Then she graduated from the "Shejnaze Juka" high school for teaching. From the banks of this school, the tendency towards art appeared. She also excelled as a ballerina. For this, in 1967, he completed a four-month course in Tirana, under the tutelage of ballet-maestra Zoica Haxho. The ballerina teacher is also like a mother to Landi. The sweet voice, the right tact, the subtle movements…, as if they have things in common, so they often knock on the same door of memories. In the professional Estrada of the city of Shkodra, she started working on April 1, 1968. Although her artistic career was short, she remained a talented actress on the stage of variety professional of the "Migjeni" theater, leaving a mark even in the smallest roles. In particular, together with the talented actress Zyliha Miloti, they created a pleasant duet, full of humor in the interpretation of many genres and genres of Shkodra pop. Every role that was entrusted to him, he demanded and insisted that he complete the figure he created until it appeared as a complete character, that is, he embroidered it. Care was taken even for a small apron that the character needed, let alone the bulky wardrobe. "Seeing her nature as an actress – the director Paulin Sekuj would say in a conversation years ago – Jolanda worked slowly and carefully. He paid attention to the detail to better typify the character and necessarily create the humorous situation". Jolanda's work, as an actress in the genre of humor, seemed to justify a statement by Stendhal, which said: "The smallest detail, the smallest situation, are of decisive importance, cause laughter or oppose it." He not only underlined the text several times, but also recreated it. This feature of the acting work, which was no longer a secret for the director and the artistic troupe, led to the fact that in the last farewell, among others, the following words were said: "We have vivid memories of her preoccupation with the great work that she did with the roles, the concern that did not leave her until the last performance, to create the most beautiful, real figures that have remained indelible in the viewer's memory". Landi often said in conversations with his colleagues, such as Tano Banush, Hasan Smaja, Paulin Preka, Zyliha Miloti, Katrina Biga, that: "the actor should not take the role to himself, but he should melt himself into the role. That's how the actor's talent comes to the fore, how much is it worth…" In her creative work, Landi differentiated the characters from one another without creating a stamp, monotony, without repeating herself. Otherwise, you would see her in a peasant woman, another in a musical comedy, another look in the role of a go-getter, another of a chatterbox or in the beautiful character she created in Tazja (cycle: "Tazja me Laçan"), in the role of a child, etc., etc. As an actress with a comic profile, her portrait is filled with parodies, vaudevilles, comedies and musical operas…, in 60 shows she participated in, performing around 180 roles. We remember Landi's interpretations in the premieres: "Confrontation", "Stinging Arrow", "Under the ticking of the clock", "Wash and rinse, throw in the sun and dry", "Spring colors", "The last fish"; comedy: "The end of a comedy" by Fadil Kraja, etc. She changed her life on November 22, 1984. The traces she left on the stage of Estrada, remembering this or that character, definitely always remind us of a woman: with a beautiful face, with long wavy hair, with bangs in front, elegant, laughing and cheerful; a name: Jolanda Shala, with her blue eyes, expressive and penetrating to the point of pain of her good-natured and humorous being. Not only the good soul, but those eyes spoke, spoke a lot too…! A rare and valuable asset that every actor dreams of having…! _____________________________________________ Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013 Reference: "Memory of a city" / Albas Publications 2019 / Xhahid Bushati / p. 113-114-115

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