Poet Agim Doçi (1948 – 2024) The master of Albanian song lyrics!


Agim Doçi Poet, author of many song lyrics at the Festival. A true master in the writing of hundreds of songs, especially those of the Festivals in RTSH, where many of the most famous singers of the time honored him with their interpretation. He was born in Shkoder on May 9, 1948. Agimi's parents, both Nena Shqiponja and father Mehilli, were partisans and joined the National Liberation War. After finishing high school in his hometown, he continued his studies at the State University in Tirana at the Faculty of Engineering, Electrical Branch, where he graduated with a maximum grade of 10, in 1971. This same year he married the love of his life, Tanen. Then he started working in Industrial Assemblies, taking part in all important facilities such as Cement Factory, Metallurgical, Laç Superphosphate, Tirana Polygraphic Factory. Later, he will be appointed energy manager of the "M. Mame" Wood Plant. At the beginning of the 80s he started writing and in 1982 he wrote the song "Ne balle te brigade" for the 21st Festival in RTSH, sung by Bashkim Alibali (dubbed by the duet Pranvera Myftari and Nazmie Kasmi) and composed by Tone Wheels. And then it continues with the following Festivals, the 22nd, 24th, 25th with three songs, the 26th with two songs, etc. (see the list below). The songs written by him have been sung by big names, golden voices such as Bashkim Alibali, Luan Zhegu, Parashqevi Simaku, Aferdita Laci-Zonja, Myfarete Laze, Irma Libohova, etc. In 1989, after miraculously escaping arrest (where there were 15 family members from father to political prison), he was sent for re-education with 3 tours to the paper factory. It is also included in the December movements near the PD. It will be a difficult period for Agim here for two years, doing different jobs to make ends meet, from shoemaker to fisherman. He starts to re-write songs as soon as the war in Kosovo starts in a Tribute Concert together with Edmond Zhulal and even has the opportunity of a tour in 22 European countries to collect aid for the endangered people in Kosovo together with 8 artists others like Kastriot Tusha, Manjola Nallbani, Ledina Celo, Cun Lajçi, Ilir Shaqiri, Numon Mushkolaj, Liri Lushi, Arif Vladi and Leonora Jakupi. With Agimi's lyrics and Zhulali's music, he creates about 103 songs, of which we can mention: "Marrshin e UCK", "Is innocence killed", "Ali Ajetit", "Adem Jashari", "Zahir Pajazitit" etc. etc. She is based in Switzerland in Lugano, where she lives and lives with her daughter, who graduated from the University of Communication Sciences, and her husband as a construction engineer and effective in the Technical and Scientific Archive. Agimi has not been a part of any politics and never after 90 a member of any party, even though his parents were members of APS. Anyway, we have seen the poet Agim Doci recently in some debate panels in the studios of some televisions. He is known as a fan of Brazilian football and of Pele, the great player of the 60s-70s. HIS SONGS WRITTEN FOR FESTIVALS IN RTSH: 21st / 1982 – "Ne balle te brigade" / music: Tonin Rrota 22nd / 1983 – "Ne blerimin e brezra" / music: Rudak Ismaili 24th / 1985 – "Mijera yje" / music: Demokrat Shahini 25th / 1986 – "Shoke jete" / music: Gjergj Leka 25th / 1986 – "A morning" / music: Spartak Tili 25th / 1986 – "Jemi perkrah" / music: Demokrat Shahini 26th / 1987 – "Mother's heart" / music: Enver Shengjergji 26th / 1987 – "Do you come" / music: Osman Mula 27th / 1988 – "Uje nga bjeshka will bring you" music: Luan Zhegu 27th / 1988 – "Kur vallezojme tok" / music: Avni Mula 27th / 1988 – "Eduam phalicine" / music: Pirro Cako 28th / 1989 – "We are hearts of every age / music: Pirro Cako 29th / 1990 – "I will knock" / music: Avni Mula 29th / 1990 – "We only live once" / music: Pirro Cako 30th / 1991 – "The Kosovar who disturbed my sleep" / music: Avni Mula 30 / 1991 – "Horoscope" / music: Pirro Cako and others in the 90s and 2000s. He passed away on June 24, 2024. It was published for the first time in Albanian Cinematography, Facebook – May 2020 _______________________ The text was formulated from a selection of information "on line" / list of songs in festivals by the administrators of the site as well as from the author's own autobiography.

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