Profile of singer and actress Nertila Koka!

Nertila Koka Singer and actress mainly from the 80s. "My brother saw me today with a boy,...

Stars of the Stage | Nertila Koka in the Movies!

STARS OF THE STAGE The well-known singer Nertila Koka in this video,...

Brunilda Halluni | “Meteor” of Albanian Scene!

Brunilda Halluni One of the topics of this page is "Meteor of...

Marjana Kondi | Profile!

Marjana Kondi In the Albanian stage art, she is positioned as a...

Profile of actor Artur Gorishti!

Artur Gorishti. Actor, director! Born on February 21, 1962. Graduated from the Academy...

(Theater on the Radio) “Fisherman`s Family”!

Radio dramatization "Fisherman's Family" Drama written by Sulejman Pitarka (AP) Performed by the actors...


Profile of singer and actress Nertila Koka!

Nertila Koka Singer and actress mainly from the 80s. "My brother saw me today with a boy, why did I blush, I don't know when he will...



Profile of singer and actress Nertila Koka!

Nertila Koka Singer and actress mainly from the 80s. "My brother saw me today with a boy, why did I blush, I don't know when he...

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